What Can I Do In My Group?

You might be thinking to yourself, “What sort of things can I do with my game group?”. Well, lots of things!
Let’s say you’re a DM/GM/WhateverM, and you find it’s always a scramble to get everyone’s initiative modifiers, base AC, and status every time there’s a new encounter. A Quick reference table that’s easily edited would make a world of difference, would it not? Well, making such a table is very easy.
Take this example below. Took just a few seconds to create the basic table, with the number of columns and a starting number of rows. I took a few more minutes to customize the table, making a header row, changing fonts, changing the background color of the header row, etc. All very quick and easy. You could make this table as simple or complex as needed. So if you later wanted to add a column or two, easy. It’s just a matter of becoming familiar with the editor options, in particular, the Table options.
Play around with it. It’s fun!
Name | Player | Class | Init (modifier) | AC | Status | Equipped Weapon |
Wil Lightwing | Jeff | Druid | +2 | 7 | Normal | Scimitar |
Raven | Jenn | Rogue | +4 (-2) | 3 | Slowed | Daggers of Extreme Pain |
Metal Man | Rich | Paladin | +3 | 0 | Normal | Bastard Sword |
You could do the same sort of thing with a loot list, setup some quick encounters to have on hand, etc.
Or, you could use the space for post-game wrap ups, so players can familiarize themselves with details of what happened during the last session, before they start the next.
You can also use your group to send private messages to players, things other players might not see, hear, etc. Thus maintaining a record of what happened as well.
Of course you can also use groups to store images, as game aids to present to players at game time. There are a lot of possibilities.
And, if there’s some functionality you’d like to see, I can look into adding it.
As always, ask if you have questions.